Why you need to decide particular goal in your life?

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 In order to get success in our life, we must have certain goal. Once we decide our goal then we need to work on it.

In the words of Tony Robbins, “setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

He also quoted, “people are not too lazy. They simply have impotent goals that is, goals that do not inspire them.”

 From above two quotes by Tony Robbins, we understand need of clear goal in our life.

 How to decide your goal?

Everyone was born with some special qualities. First we need to examine that quality from ourselves. We also need to find out our strength and weakness, our liking and disliking. Many people are unsuccessful in their life not because they don’t have talent, but they are unable to identify their qualities and strengths within their self.  

So it is essential to find out what we can and what we can’t.

 If we are aware about our goal or we are able to identify the goal, then we can also take risk to achieve that goal. Sometimes we just don’t want to leave our comfort zone and that is why we are unsuccessful or at least feel like an unsuccessful person.

 We need to have courage in order to take risk in life. We also need to determine that if we are unable to achieve our goal, then what is plan B? We should always have plan B and plan C.

Always go with this approach: “either I will succeed or I will learn, but I will never consider myself as a failed person in life.”

 How to work on your desired goal?

Now we have decided our goal and we also have talent to achieve that goal. But how to achieve that or is it achievable? My answer is YES! If you have decided a realistic goal in your life, you can achieve that for sure.

Swami Vivekananda has wisely said:

“Arise! Awake and stop not until the goal is reached.”


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It is my favorite quotes not because it is said by great Vivekananda or it is philosophical thoughts, I love it because, there is so much inspiration in just one sentence. It drives us to work towards our goal with a vision.

“Don’t stop until you get success.”
This is the best advice one can have in their life.

 Once we decide to work hard to achieve our goal, we also need to find out the available resources.

For example, if you want to be a film director, you need to direction course. To do that, you need to enroll in short time or long time film direction course. If you don’t have money and other required resource, you can watch movies and learn from internet as well.


So blame game is no longer active as far as resource availability is concern.

Hard work is necessary but in today’s era, smart work is also needed.



 Good company, pleasant environment and positive mindset also helps us to achieve our target.



It’s not too easy to get success but it’s also not impossible. If we focus towards our goal and work in a right direction, success will come to our door. I will conclude this with Shiv Khera’s famous quotes:

“Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.”

Thank you for reading!

Have a pleasant day!

©Nitish Tiwary.

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